Meiji Restoration: The Opening of Japan

Pro Modernization


Japanese Diplomats
-Some Japanese officials were eager to learn from the Westerners and begin modernizing.
-They also feared that anything but accepting the western demands would lead to a war in which the Japanese would definitely lose because of their inferior technology.

"It is urgent that we know more about the west; by studying the truly useful things like 

their strengths and weaknesses, the semblance and the reality of each country, the state of

 its army and navy, the advantages and drawbacks of its machinery, we can adopt their 

strong points and avoid their shortcomings..."  
-Tsutsui Masanori, Bakufu official, early 1860s

Although most Japanese were insulted by Perry's demands, some thought that by modernizing they could surpass the Western nations and gain honor that way. Many Japanese leaders were offended by the unequal and coerced foreign treaty's presence. They were worried about the prospect of continued foreign encroachment, and therefore they felt it was necessary to modernize. 

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